вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

(drostanolone propionate) Masteron is honestly my favorite anabolic / androgenic steroids (AAS). For many years, this connection has been unavailable for the average athlete, he frequently counterfeited, often very expensive, and few are available on the black market. The most common form of the product, how are the houses of the pharmaceutical industry, is 50mg/ml ampules or 1-2mls by Ampère (or vial). Needless to say that these products are used as the only game in town, and that this drug is particularly popular after the connection to bodybuilding contest preparation, it has to cost prohibitive for all but the highest level bodybuilders. Masteron is a derivative of DHT (as you can see from its chemical name: 2-methyl-dihydro-testosterone propionate), but they can not tell you that the DHT and its derivatives are widely used to treat certain forms of breast cancer (see etymology here: Mastectomy, gynocoMASTia, MASTeron, get it?). Masteron is not clinically used for weight gain (as with most steroids), there is a unique steroid from that perspective. Unfortunately, most of the information on Masteron in medical journals do not focus on weight and strength gains or fat loss, for these reasons. Most information on Masteron focuses on its use in the treatment of certain forms of breast cancer, and he does it very well. (4) (5) To give you an idea, Masteron + Tamoxifen is better than chemotherapy for an immediate response from the target of patients (8). So? What does this tell us? Well, that's what makes it very interesting drug for several reasons. Obviously, it is not at all aromatization not progesteronic hand, remember, Nolvadex (and support) is used to reduce breast cancer to estrogen, so that the medicine used to treat breast cancer, seems to convert to estrogen .. . and in fact Masteron May interact with the enzyme aromatase prevent the flavoring of other steroids estrogen and May in addition interact with estrogen (as a "blocking" of varieties) in the receiver site. (4) (5) This is how it helps to fight against breast cancer, of course, but it can also be part of the reason that Masteron is considered a "cut" or "pre-competition" drug . Masteron May actually be very useful in the fight against estrogen / adverse progesteronic yes, you read that right, if you include in your Masteron cycle, you may not need other "ancillary" drugs like Arimidex or letrozole). Therefore, like Proviron, Masteron could be used as collateral against the influence of drugs (remember, most ancillary drugs used to fight against estrogen sides as NOLVADEX, letrozole, and ARIMIDEX were originally developed for fight against breast cancer, and ... Thats exactly Masteron was developed and used for). On the same meaning as DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the derivatives, it was a very good opportunity to add to the hardness of the muscles already lean physique, remember, Masteron has a deceivingly low anabolic / androgenic report, but since it DHT is 5x as androgenic as testosterone and a 3 - 4x higher affinity for the receptors, Masteron provides a lot of "bang for the buck" when it is judged on the basis of Mg Mg. In my experience, as well as many others, Masteron androgens is more, it seems that on paper, but also, and in May it lead to increased aggression. As we know, also produce androgens higher than "hard" Search BB'ers popular and competitive, as we all know, androgens also promote lypolysis (loss of fat). The effects of Masteron, in a manner consistent with the negative effects (some heavier) androgens to decrease lipoprotein lipase and upregulates-adrenergic receptors on adipocytes, which would avoid the accumulation of lipids (fats) and improving the lipid efflux from these cells in response to catecholamines (1) (2) (3). So, as I said earlier, I falsely low in Masteron Anabolic: Androgenic ratio fool you, it will help remove grease, and (if not more) for a score higher than androgens, particularly with respect to DHT derivatives. This decrease fat and increase in aggression (making training more effective) could be useful for those competing in sports or who are on the decline in calorie food. Sounds very good, right? Unfortunately, being a DHT derivative means they have parts in May and reactions (acne, hairloss, prostate increases, etc. And you can use with the drug finasteride). Retention (and increased risk of hypertension) in this complex is almost nil, and liver toxicity is not so much on any issue. Indeed, you can take this bunch of stuff ... maximum therapeutic dose is very high: 167mgs/kg-bdywt/day. So 167mgs a day, seven days a week, the 220lbs man ... and it is not considered excessive by the FDA ... which has not traditionally been very liberal on dosing protocols. Therefore, it is clear that before this dose is safe for almost everyone. DHT has a bad reputation for causing prostate hypertrophy, acne, and hairloss and many people, but I have already said, that reputation is largely undeserved, at least in the case of Masteron. Remember that this year the Chinese people in the swimming group (women) were all kicked ass? Or the year that the German national team swimming (again, I speak of women) are all the gold medals? Each of them using the form DHT, or derivatives, possibly Masteron. German women are very deep voice, which leads me to believe that Masteron in virilizing effects on women can be very bad (there was a famous / funny interview where the interviewer suggests that everyone has a deep voice, and one of them replied "Ve came here to svim, not to sing."). Thus, I believe, Masteron is a preparation for any type of athlete, but perhaps not for women (at least not at high doses in May ... 50mgs/E3D appropriate). Sorry girls ... You can go with this product, but to keep the dose low. Stacking Masteron? Well, I would say that the best test, of course, but in fact, due to Masteron reasonable related to the androgen receptor and the high androgenic properties, almost any cutting drug (Tren, Anavar, etc.. .) May be included in the series with it to the stack. I feel that in the context of stanozolol (Winstrol) non-AR mediated effects, and its ability to reduce SHBG, a stack including both of these drugs would be very synergistic. Nevertheless, we must not forget the Testosterone, as Masteron will reduce its natural level of testosterone (9), and since you have to inject Masteron every two days, at least (100mg EOD is the lowest dose of the substance I consider using), you can also stack with testosterone propionate, and perhaps injectable Winstrol (and / or possibly Tren acetate, if you are inclined to use a large number of connections in the same cycle and I know I am). Eq is another choice to stack with Masteron. I would say that the optimal effect of this thing are 4-500mgs/week (based on my conversations with people who use Masteron as well as my own results). I have a friend who went to 600mgs/week with Masteron and did not feel that it gives results significantly better than the 400-500mg per week. I believe that to achieve the most cost-effective, 400mg a week is ideal. It is also important to remember, the distribution of these images for a day, as I say here is the version Masteron propionate, and therefore requires more frequent dosing. Of course, I know there is a version of Masteron with enanthenate ester dosed at 200mg/ml produce a very good Underground Lab (I personally use the "Alpha" version, as the pigs on the man a year ago ), but this is not an option I say Masteron profile. In addition, there is another form of Masteron is: drostanolone (basic), yes, right, Masteron without ether. It's called Dromostan and he Xelox Company. I've never tried this option and I do not know anyone who has, but I suspect that this will be a very powerful, but we must take every day. Buy Masteron If you're looking for drugs of the largest pharmaceutical companies, I caution you to reconsider this path and go to underground laboratory space. There are many very good reputation of laboratory performance, he knows without counterfits. On the other hand, genuine Masteron is one of the most difficult to find drugs on the black market, if you search for "Man-grade product produced by major pharmaceutical houses. In addition, UGLabs generally offer this product at a very reasonable $ 50-75 per 10 ml vial dosed at 100mg/ml. Try to find a Syntex (or rights of the class) of the product yield mg mg cost 2-5x that amount. The team: Masteron is derived from DHT, can be used as an anti-estrogen drug abuse, it is clear that it does not convert to estrogen and, in fact, he works to reduce your body perhaps May cause hair loss and other DHT, related parties, is excellent suitable for all types of athletes and BB'ers, but not women in high doses, so low battery it is very androgenic, Awesome for fat loss and to obtain "strong" and should be used approximately 400-500mgs/week. It is not surprising that many people liked steroids, mine included. Masteron profile (Drostanolone propionate) [17beta-hydroxy-2ALPHA-methyl-5alpha-androstane-3-one propionate] Molecular Weight: 360.5356 Formula: C23H36O3 Melting Point: N / A Manufacturer: Syntex, Various Underground Labs Effective Dose (men): 350mgs/week (* 100mg daily) for 500mgs/week Effective Dose (Women): 25-50mg daily to every three days The life :2-3 days Definition time: 3 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic Ratio: 62:25 References: Marin P, Oden B, and P. Bjorntorp assimilation and mobilization of triglycerides in subcutaneous abdominal and femoral adipose tissue in vivo for men: the effect of androgens. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80: 239-243, 1995 Rebuffs-Scrive M, Marin C, Bjorntpor P. Effect of testosterone on abdominal adipose tissue in men. Int J Obes 15: 791-795, 1991. Xu XF, De Pergola G, and Bjorntorp P. Testosterone increases lipolysis and the number of beta-adrenoceptors in male rat adipocytes. Endocrinology 128: 379-382, 1991. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol. 1983 Sep; 19 (9) :1231-7. Cancer Res. 1982 Nov; 42 (11) :4408-12. Ghana No Rinsho. April 1986, 32 (4) :345-8. Japanese. Khirurgiia (Sofia). 1987, 40 (6) :80-6. Bulgarian. Sem Hop. 23 September 1982; 58 (34) :1919-23. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. April 1965; 25:476-9.

1 комментарий:

  1. These Masteron Enanthate and Masteron Propionate can cause a noticeable improvement in muscle density
    Masteron Propionate
