четверг, 28 января 2010 г.



The factor of consumption, however, forms a component part of this disproportionality. The contradiction between decadurabolin use value of the commodity and its exchange value appears here in the shape of the contra- diction between the decadurabolin of surplus value, which strives for boundless expansion, and the limited purchasing power of the masses, who are realizing the value of their labour-power. decadurabolin again does not at all contradict the statement that the abstract theory of Marx also indicates a solution to this problem. Apologetic economists denied crises, amongst other things, on account of a 'metaphysical equilibrium between buyers and sellers', consumers and producers. Firstly, he overlooks the proportions between the production of means of production and the production of means of consumption (we have already dealt with that). Thus, the said 'share ' (converted into labour) will decadurabolin even faster under socialism and for this very reason will guarantee the gigantic growth and diversity of use values. In this sense there is neither partial nor genera] over-production. If accumulation were to take place more decadurabolin the develop- ment of decadurabolin would also be impossible. (Demand here is not given a priori as a planned demand. Thus Tugan's assertion that the 'sin' of capitalism consists in the fact that human consumption is replaced by the consumption of decadurabolin is absurd. But because demand is limited by production, it does not follow in decadurabolin least that production is or was Hmited by demand and that it can never exceed demand, especially demand at the market-price. decadurabolin the case before us we are interested solely in the decadurabolin departments of the process of production which are dealt with in Marx's models. decadurabolin It is implied that, nonetheless, production takes place in such proportions, as if capital were applied directly by society into the various spheres decadurabolin production, according to its needs. There is never a general over-production. The landlord decadurabolin not produce (rent), and decadurabolin he consumes. We could well say that we are faced here with an example of a certain basic lack of understanding decadurabolin Marx's abstract theoretical method - its meaning, its limitations and (at the same time) its correctness.

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